The SocialVibe widget allows you to get sponsored by a paying brand and earn donations for the charity of your choice.
This is a wonderful gadget for those seeking to earn charitable donations from their blog.
To install this gadget, use the link below (or from the "Add a Gadget" section of your Blogger dashboard). On the gadget set-up screen, you will be able to choose the particular charity which you would like to support.
The list is updated regularly, but at the time of writing this post, there are 36 charities in total whom we may choose to support, ranging from Keep a Breast to The Nature Conservancy, and many more between.
Once you have chosen the charity you'd like to support, click "update" to see the change take effect in the preview box and then save your gadget. The dimensions of the gadget do alter depending on the width available in your Blogger layout.
After successfully installing the SocialVibe gadget, view your blog in your web browser while logged into your Blogger/Google account.
You will notice a yellow panel within the gadget offering a link and means to sign up for an account with SocialVibe (or link this gadget to your account).
Signing up with SocialVibe enables many more benefits to using this gadget:
- Learn more about SocialVibe's mission
- Discover new ways to earn points (and therefore donations) to your chosen charity
- Control which sponsors appear in your gadget
- And much more!
SocialVibe's gadget earns donations by displaying media from sponsors. When your blog readers interact with the gadget's media, this earns points which translate as donations to the charity you have chosen.
Neither you nor your blog readers need spend a penny to interact with the gadget. Simply by viewing or interacting with your sponsor's media, you can generate valuable sponsor-led contributions to the organizations which matter most to you.
This gadget was developed by
SocialVibe as part of
Blogger's 10th birthday celebrations.